So Much for Unbridled Optimism

In fairness, I did say it seemed counterintuitive when, yesterday, I wrote a piece on good news about how some were prediciting that the Omicron variant would transform Covid-19 from a pandemic to a manageable endemic virus.

Within hours, the head of the World Health Organization, contradicted the optimistic assessments warning that Omicron is unlikely to be the last variant and it's dangerous to assume we're in some endgame.

In today's Washington Post there's a piece on a new form of Omicron, BA2, that is sweeping Denmark where it accounts for 65 per cent of new infections.  The article quotes Danish virologist, Anders Fomsgaard, as opining that the world is five steps behind the coronavirus.

With Covid-fatigue setting in it would be helpful if the experts and healthcare officials were reading from the same page. We all want to hear the "all clear" but this roller coaster is doing no one any good.


  1. Perhaps with run away population growth we should just let Covid do it's job ?


  2. We cannot avoid the realities.

    Money and selfishness rules..



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