What Will We See Half a Century Later?


Behold "Earthrise," the iconic 'blue marble' photo taken in December, 1968, by William Anders on the first Apollo mission to orbit the moon.

What will Earth look like from the moon 54 years later? Will it look as pristine or a little beat up?  Those who can recall what the environment was like in 1968 and how much it has changed - mainly for the worse - over the last half century may be in for a surprise. The atmosphere has changed. Upwards of 14 per cent more water vapor. The poles have changed. The jet stream has really changed.

What will we see as NASA attempts the first permanent habitation on the moon?

Comment Response -  

I wouldn't be banking too heavily on China these days.  


  1. Just guessing,
    The Chinese may well beat the USA to inhabit the moon.
    The Anglo domination has peaked and is in recession, look to India , China and others to take the helm.


  2. "I wouldn't be banking too heavily on China these days. "

    Well, that begs the question .. who would you 'bank heavily' on today?

  3. With the present state of Artemis ..
    I will stick by my comment.
    Those countries that have put human rights, environmental concerns , democratic elections on the back burner to pursue vanity projects , have the advantage as did their predecessors.



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