Going Dark. Chris Hedges and the Road to Hell.

 It has been some time since Chris Hedges was a happy camper.  That said, he outdid himself in his latest column, The Triumph of Death, in which the opening paragraph neatly sums up our predicament: 

It is hard to be sanguine about the future. The breakdown of the ecosystem is well documented. So is the refusal of the global ruling elite to pursue measures that might mitigate the devastation. We accelerate the extraction of fossil fuels, wallow in profligate consumption, including our consumption of livestock, and make new wars as if we are gripped by a Freudian death wish. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Conquest, War, Famine and Death – gallop into the 21rst century.

Meanwhile, William Rivers Pitt  chimes in with this:

“Suffice it to say,” climate reporter Dahr Jamail wrote in July of 2019, “all of us now, if we live long enough, are likely to become climate refugees at some point … whether it be from lack of food and water, rising seas, wildfires, smoke, or extreme weather events. For many, their time as climate refugees has already begun.”

I haven't written much lately about the global climate breakdown. It's coming on much too fast to get an accurate handle on what's happening. For example, heatwaves recently hit both poles at the same time. Even climate science types are struggling to make sense of that.

Comment response - 

Owen, it feels like being trapped on a runaway train.

NPoV - you're right. We seem to be in meltdown.


  1. Like the passengers on the Titanic, Mound, we party on.

  2. As we watch the literal melt down of our way of life and the current 'caught in the headlights' approach to dealing with it - for some odd reason, it reminds me of that song 'Blinded by science'.

    Meanwhile the so called moderate candidate running against Lil'PP thinks (like the USA trigger-happy hawks) that expanding the current conflict in Europe into a world war is a good idea.

    'Conservative leadership hopeful Scott Aitchison says it’s time to recognize Taiwan'


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