"A House Divided."


The black robed Mullahs of the Supreme Court of Evangelistan have ruled. 

They cut their teeth on dismantling affirmative action and voter rights but yesterday they moved into the big leagues. Yesterday, a reliably rightwing court, did what it was expected of them. They struck down New York's somewhat restrictive concealed-carry gun law, ruling that Americans had a general, 2nd Amendment right to pack heat. Safely on a roll they moved, just one day later, to strip American women of reproductive rights and instead transfer the power over women's bodies to those who know better.

After two seismic days of such a bold display of their manhood (sorry, Amy, but you're America's judicial Stepford wife) it's hard to imagine what could be next. Why not clean up the clutter of those awkward reconstruction laws  - the 13th (abolitition), 14th (due process and equal protection) and 15th (right to vote regardless of race, colour or previous servitude) Amendments.

Some 13 states have abortion bans waiting in the wings, locked and loaded. Several others are expected to take the plunge.

The Guardian reports that the USSC could be on a redneck roll. Contraceptive access and same sex marriage may be the next to be gutted.

Comment Reaction -

When the court struck down New York's concealed carry restrictions, I wondered if it would herald the Roe v. Wade fiasco. And it did, just one brief day later.

To me, the corruption of the USSC traces back to Citizens United.  


  1. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever again surprise me if it happens in the Benighted States of America, Mound.


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