Problem Solved? The Sea Lions Have a Solution.

From disease-spreading fish farms to bitumen supertankers, Ottawa has done the west coast no favours. 

There is some good news. These damned fish farms are under attack - by sea lions.

Dozens of thieving sea lions in western Canada have spent the last few weeks gorging on fish after brazenly slipping into an industrial salmon farm – and ignoring all attempts to make them move on.

Cermaq, the aquaculture giant with operations in Norway, Chile and Canada, says the wily predators were able to evade netting and electric fences in late March as part of a “breach event” at the Rant Point farm near Tofino in British Columbia.

The downside is that some sea lions drown when tangled in the fish farm nets.

In 2016, after sea lions breached another Cermaq fish farm, Canada’s department of fisheries and oceans authorized the company to shoot the animals. The DFO says there is a “strict requirement” that none of the sea lions be killed.

If that sounds contradictory, that's pure DFO double-talk.


  1. Nature has a way of getting even, Mound.

  2. True enough, Owen. That said, I don't know that it's healthy for sea lions to be in those fetid pens eating farm salmon. That stuff is for humans who don't know any better.


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