Now It's Chemical Warfare


The bastards. It's reported that Vlad Putin's Visigoths have used phosphorus weapons against the Ukrainians. White phosphorus is truly wicked stuff. If it lands on your skin it can burn straight through to the bone.

The photograph shows a white phosphorus shell airburst over a residential area.  Monstrous.

The photo, however, is not of Ukraine. It's a few years old. It's not a Russian attack on helpless civilians either.

This is nightime in Gaza and the white phosphorus shell is Israeli.  Canada worked very hard to look the other way as Israel committed war crime after war crime after war crime attacking civilians, hospitals and schools, residential neighbourhoods and basic essential infrastructure including electricity, water and the big one, sewage systems. I'm not just talking about Harper either.

Best not to dwell on it. The Liberals would call that anti-Semitic.


  1. No doubt, Mound, we are very, very selective in the direction of our sympathies.

    1. We've always been hypocritical, Lorne, but we used to try to be the "honest broker" country. Then we strayed.

  2. Thanks again for pointing out the hierarchy of victimhood that is so entrenched in our self-deluding narratives.

    The fog of war ... chemical fog too.

    The endless debate about the 2018 incident in Douma, Syria and the role of the 'White Helmets' who either rescued people or staged the attack, is primer class for any of us trying (at this distance with dubious sources) to decipher lies from truth and false flags from actual events.

  3. There was a blogger, Alison Creekside, who carefully scrutinized the federal government's voting record in the General Assembly. Tory or Liberal, it was atrocious on anything dealing with Israel or Palestine.

    What I find most galling is how our federal government will freely smear anyone critical of Israel's war crimes as anti-Semitic.

    1. Thank the pernicious and effective IHRA for forbidding and/or criminalizing free speech around a very debatable, existential issue. Their incredible success has emboldened the right wing:
      Note the dogs-breakfast UK political-scene where failing to sufficiently worship NATO will get you canceled.

      It is here in Canada already. Your post and many of the comments on this site could get us all cancelled or even become grounds for prosecution in the near future.

      And 'just cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.'

  4. Whilst I sympathise with Israel having to fight nations that thought it not worthy of nationhood , it's actions to it's neighbours since that event are nothing but imperialism and genocide.
    Israel was born of those with very different ideals of it's future and perhaps only survives because of the threat real or imagined that it is about to be invaded and thus provides unison?
    Countries with nuclear weapons cannot be successfully invaded!
    Iran is in the same position as Israel was forty years go as is North Korea.
    These are the realities, like them or not..


    1. "Countries with nuclear weapons cannot be successfully invaded!"

      Bush2 taught this lesson to paranoid dictators around the world:
      Arm-up to the hilt with the nastiest weapons you can find and never let an UN-inspector come spy in your country to prep for it's invasion.

      However, idiots like Iggy are pushing for a nuclear response to Russian, so all bets are off, especially as we've let all the historic nuclear treaties lapse.

  5. And this weeks Orwellian-newspeak award goes to the oxymoronic headline writer in the Guardian:
    " war will become ‘endless bloodbath’ without more weapons, Zelenskiy says"

  6. Things continue to get more horrifying -- and depressing.

  7. TB, as I recall it, India caught America by surprise back in the Clinton era. After that there wasn't much Washington could do to prevent Pakistan from following suit with the Sunni "Islamic Bomb." Both showed off their new nukes in 1998. India likewise kickstarted N. Korea's nuclear armament. The Genie was out of the bottle.


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