How Politics is Supposed to Work


This photo shows how today's politics has broken.  1961. A new president, Democrat John F. Kennedy, takes a stroll with the former president, Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower, to discuss foreign policy.


  1. And the thing is, we don't have to go back to 1960 to find a real conservative.

    Chicken Kiev indeed ...

    1. Do we think of GHW Bush as "recent"? He was the last president of his era. The end of the USSR. Clinton, Bush/Cheney, Obama, Trump and now Biden. The world, at least the West, has morphed into a broken reality in which liberals become conservative-lite, conservatives become rightwing radicals while the world turns catatonic in the face of looming existential threats. The worst part is that we've lost our bearings and couldn't find our way back even if we had a map.


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