The J. Trudeau Memorial Pipeline Now Way, Way Overbudget.


Justin Trudeau's legacy project, a.k.a. the Trans-Mountain pipeline, a.k.a. Trudeau's Folly, was well overpriced to begin with. Now that inflated figure has swelled by another 70 per cent. It has gone from a foolish 12.6 billion to a just plain stupid 21.4 billion. The Liberals unconvincingly blame the extra 9 billion on the pandemic and last November's flooding. As if.

It seems that Ottawa is now crying "uncle."  The feds just don't want to put up any more cash.

Deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, said the Crown corporation will need to secure "third party funding." 

With a straight face she said the government will take another stab at selling this boondoggle to the private sector this fall. The private sector wouldn't touch it at the original price but I'm sure they'll be crawling all over each other to get it for an additional 9 billion. 


  1. Along with the ongoing fossil-fuel subsidies, this is truly one of the worst blights on Trudeau's putative green credentials, Mound.

  2. The J Trudeau Tribute to R Notley Memorial Pipeline, I'd call it. Out West, even the NDP are petro-goons. And Johnny Horgan is the Fracking King and disrespecter of the Wetsuweten unceded territory as well, because of his backing of the CGL pipeline.

    Trudeau is a word that when uttered out West causes people to fly into a red, er blue, blind rage, so a $20 billion + gift is ignored and treated as merely their due. BC will burn anew this year, and Albertans will breath in the refreshing scent full strength, while disconnecting the digging up of tarsands from having anything to do with global warming. kenney will settle his porcine head into his copious jowls surrounding no neck and utter tripe and belittle Trudeau, and Horgan will just ignore it all as beneath his dignity.

    Me, I'm looking for that aroma of BC bud all the way east and decidely south in Halifax this summer. Then the ravages of Covid, beserker white supremacists screeching hate, useless "leaders" opining nonsense will become lost in a budding high as gulls wheel, the Bluenose glides over an azure sea on zephyr breezes, and a heaping steaming mound of deep fried clams and chips beckons from the food truck. Now that's livin' in the moment.

    Humanity is lost. I figure I might as well go down in non-eco style. Pass the vinegar and ketchup, will ya? Thanks. Mmm, mmm. That's good.

    1. Don't give up, Bill. Bad as things are we can still make them worse if we don't push back.

  3. It is naïve to consider our elected governmental structure to be the acme of our organizational well being!
    In earlier years Unionized labor was deemed to be the death knell of civilization.
    Change a few, short minded years, and organized labor has become ; as with Woke ! a derogatory term.
    Collectively we are destroying ourselves; the reasons are many but much has been prophesized
    Perhaps the US influence has become too much to ignore be it their politics as in Trump and Sarah Palin etch .


    1. TB did you read my post from the 14th on "collective helplessness" and how it's undermining liberal democracy in many nations? This is pure rot and I'm not convinced it's not intentional.


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