A Basket Just Full of Tools


If prime minister Trudeau or premier Ford or Mayor Watson want to clear miscreant truckers who have beset the city of Ottawa for much too long there's no shortage of tools at their disposal.

Two I've already mentioned, the Riot Act, s. 67 of the Criminal Code. Mr. Watson has that power.

Under the section, a justice, mayor or sheriff or a deputy who receives notice that 12 or more people are “unlawfully and riotously assembled together” can go to that place, approach as close as is safe and read what is colloquially known as “the Riot Act” in a loud voice:

“Her Majesty the Queen charges and commands all persons being assembled immediately to disperse and peaceably to depart to their habitation or to their lawful business on the pain of being guilty of an offence for which, on conviction they may be sentenced to life in prison.”

Where is Charlotte Whitton now that she's needed.

Next up is the successor to the War Measures Act, the 1988 Emergencies Act.

The Governor in Council — the federal cabinet — may declare a public order emergency after consulting with the lieutenant governor. However, there are limitations. A public order emergency can’t be declared if the effects of the emergency are confined to one province.

The Governor in Council may make orders or regulations, including prohibiting a public assembly that “may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace.”

The effects of this emergency do seem to be spilling over Ontario's borders. 

Premier Ford has already declared an emergency, invoking the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.

Section 12 of the Emergency and Civil Protection Act provides the right of action to recover money spent against any person who caused the emergency. When an injunction is in place, contempt of court proceedings can be initiated and the terms of the order can be enforced by police.

There are plenty of options at the municipal, provincial and federal level. It's just a matter of will power.


  1. Sad to see both the mayor and police chief immobilised by fear of their own police officers.

    The overpaid underbrained thugs and slugs need to be shown the door. Even if half of them went , how much worse could the force be.

    1. There has to be some accounting, Rumley. This police chief was a milquetoast from the get-go. They knew that when they hired him. That seems to have translated into a "solidarity" cadre, cops the city can do without.

  2. It must be time to review the role and membership requirements of the RCMP and provincial police forces.
    They no longer represent the needs of the taxpaying public.


    1. They have to be brought to heel, TB. They're servants, not masters and they need to be reined in.

  3. I think that Jr is has a chronic habit of dithering while stronger psyches ( Warrior Chrystia for ex) get to do what they want under the guise of progressive sounding spin.

    That said, the recent dithering may be genuine fear about which police leaders and which police/security forces can be trusted to actually follow orders.

    The police mutiny on display for that last three weeks should give us all pause. It may be too late...

    In any case, since you posted this Mound, events have moved on. If we are to believe the headlines, Jr will invoke the Emergency Act ...
    but not call in the army. I hope that works out better than it sounds, atm.

    "Sad to see both the mayor and police chief immobilised by fear of their own police officers."

    " time to review the role and membership requirements of the RCMP and provincial police forces"
    Yes, but include all police forces and the feckless CSIS too.

    The other thing is that the cops have earned enormous amount of overtime pay, even while they cheer on the thugs and arrest/threaten the 'counter protestors. From their pov this is all win-win.
    I never thought I'd say it but DEFUND THE POLICE is starting to sound damn correct.

    1. It seems a lot of us have had our eyes opened by police chicanery during this dark farce. We've had plenty of wakeup calls that have been ignored.

  4. I'm a bit more inclined to demilitarize the police
    the everyday full combat / kevlar look is wearing thin
    and it gives them the feeling of immunity .
    Requiring them to enforce the existing laws, and uniformly, should not be optional
    Documented failure to preform duty should be instantaneously dismissible.
    There are lots of players and this whole mess is tricky
    You shouldn't be required to speed when defusing a bomb .

    check this out tho .....


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