The Booster Pays Off


The US Centers for Disease Control report that the Pfizer and Moderna boosters are paying off.

The extra doses are 90 percent effective against hospitalization with the variant, the agency reported. Booster shots also reduced the likelihood of a visit to an emergency department or urgent care clinic. The extra doses were most effective against infection and death among Americans aged 50 and older, the data showed.

Over all, the new data show that the vaccines were more protective against the Delta variant than against Omicron, which lab studies have found is partially able to sidestep the body’s immune response.

It is generally accepted that booster shots keep people from becoming infected, at least for a while. Data from Israel and other countries have also suggested that boosters can help prevent severe illness and hospitalization, especially in older adults.

“Data from other countries have also shown significant benefit of getting the booster, but this is really showing it in the U.S.,” Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale University, said of the figures released on Friday. “These numbers should be very convincing.”


  1. Covid hs become make work project as different nations take different actions to the outbreak.
    To most the desired end game is Neo liberalism all over again, never say never!
    I go with the views of epidemiologists.
    Too many of my neighbours go long with science of the travel industry???

    I'm so fritz ed out at not going to Cabot St Lucas I could require council ling !!!


    Our worst enemy is ourselves.


    1. You're right, TB. The pandemic has brought out some of the failings and weaknesses of modern society.

      As for Cabo, you can have it. I rode my bike down there twice and really didn't like the place. I found Todo Santos much more to my liking.


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