This is "Not Necessarily" the End of Life As You Know It.


It seems there's been a cluster of some 40 earthquakes off the coast of Oregon. Seismic activity does get noticed out here where the locals are warned of a 9+ megathrust earthquake commonly known as the Big One.

The last time the Cascadia fault generated one of these massive quakes, around 1700, it caused a tsunami that travelled across the Pacific to slam into Japan.  We know about it because the Japanese were good enough to record it in detail.

Here on the island we're told to expect the next big one sometime between after lunch today and 50-years from now. You never know until you do.

As I read the CNN report, I came across this gem:  

This is not necessarily a precursor for the so-called 'big one'

"Not necessarily"? C'mon, can't you do better than that?


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