"They Said." We Chose Not to Listen.

There'll be more severe weather events, they said.

There'll be more hurricanes, they said.

There'll be more tornadoes, they said.

There'll be more drought, they said.

There'll be more flooding, they said.

There'll be more wild fires, they said.

There'll be more heatwaves, they said.

All of these weather events will be of increasing frequency, intensity and duration - they said.

Now, guess which of those warnings came true? Yeah, all of them. Every last one. 

A tornado ripped through Kentucky last night. It may have set a record. It's track revealed this tornado was on the ground for a staggering 200 miles.  Fifty dead. The governor says it could climb to 100.

In Mayfield, Kentucky, dozens of workers are missing after a candle factory collapsed on them. Below, the factory, before and after.


An Amazon depot in Illinois was partly destroyed. Two dead.  Fire, rescue and ambulances massed at the scene.

More to come:

Meteorologists warn that the deadly storm system continues to pose a threat as it moves north, through Appalachia, toward the northeast.

Weather Channel meteorologists have warned that “we’re not done by a long shot.” They have said that a tornado threat persists for areas in Tennessee such as Nashville, and Lexington, Kentucky.

The storm appears poised to move through northern Georgia and through North Carolina, as it eventually ascends mid-Atlantic states. Images of the storm’s progression shows it extending to New York.

At some point we have to wake up. 


  1. If all of these signs don't wake us up, Mound, I wonder if anything will.

    1. "If all of these signs don't wake us up" - you left out "in time." We're bound to wake up, eventually, but if we wait too long it won't matter.

  2. Unless we all woke-up AND changed in the 70s or before
    you will be better off to die in your sleep
    most everyone gut feels that , shut their eyes and keep their heads down
    and just carry on
    the genie is out of the bottle
    the earthquake happened
    the tsunami is real
    AcTiOnS hAvE CoNsQeNcEs
    you don't get to take the mentos out of the coke

    1. You may be right, Lungta, but that's all the more reason to keep up the fight. When we geezers are gone our kids and grandkids will have to deal with the world we've bequeathed to them. It's our duty to try to keep others from making that even harder and more dangerous than necessary.


    2. just sayin
      the tipping point happened
      the system that took millions of years to sequester oil/carbon
      so we could have life as we knew it
      had apes bleed it out in 100
      none of these disasters lead to change
      just a rebuild of exactly the same
      and our children are no smarter than we are
      quite willing to continue our plastic oily chemical consumption
      it is arguably 100% lethal now as we add more
      How is it my duty to keep rich people from buying more ecological disaster and landfill?

  3. The masses take more notice of the stock market than warnings of climate destruction.
    Neo Liberalism stands fast against the realities of the world.
    Death and destruction from a tornado or flood today are soon overshadowed by dip on Wall Street , Bay St or wherever.
    We have become so shallow ..
    Ecological disasters are measured in units of $dollars not limits to our existence , quality of life or even humanities chances of survival.
    In the end humanity , as we know it,will not die but will be replaced by a super class of the mega rich in a dystopian world.
    And still what remains of the trailer trash flag waving idiots will support them.
    One day my friend, I too will win the lottery!!


  4. Sure, 'they said' but

    Nobody Told Me .....

    Three, four!
    Everybody's talking and no one says a word
    Everybody's making love and no one really cares
    There's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs
    Always something happening and nothing going on
    There's always something cooking and nothing in the pot
    They're starving back in China so finish what you got
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed
    Everybody's runnin' and no one makes a move
    Everyone's a winner and nothing left to lose
    There's a little yellow idol to the north of Katmandu
    Everybody's flying and no one leaves the ground
    Everybody's crying and no one makes a sound
    There's a place for us in the movies you just gotta lay around
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Strange days indeed -- most peculiar, mama
    Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high
    Everybody's flying and never touch the sky
    There's a UFO over New York and I ain't too surprised
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Nobody told me there'd be days like these
    Strange days indeed -- most peculiar, mama, roll!



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