More Good News, In a Way


She may be battered and bloody but the Coquihalla highway, the main connector that links the Lower Mainland with the rest of British Columbia, may soon be back in business, sort of.

During recent floods and slides, the mighty Coquihalla was broken - in 20 places.  Several bridges were collapsed by the torrents.

The provincial transport ministry says it hopes to re-open the route in January but, but, but...

1.  It will only be open to commercial traffic.

2.  There will be several bottlenecks, single-lane narrowings.

3.  These are, at best, temporary repairs. To fully repair the damage will take years and plenty of money.

It's hard to make sense of this devastation until you look at the list of highway closures maintained by DriveBC. Much of this is mountainous territory which limits the number of routes available for highways. These have become choke points.



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