Let 'Er Rip! Alberta Opens the Taps.


Make hay while the sun shines.

UCP Energy Minister Sonya Savage says the province has not set production limits on the oil industry since December of 2020. She said the government's power to curtail oil production is no longer needed and will be allowed to expire.

Since then, Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline replacement has become operational. The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is expected to come online in early 2023.

Savage says the market is now working as it should and oil companies should feel confident that production will not be limited moving forward.


  1. A little good news



    1. Sadly, when man clears out tropical forests, he fells the trees and then attacks the soils. This is often the case in the Amazon where settlers logged off the trees and then tilled the fragile soil for farming. Three, maybe four years later the soil was infertile and so they moved further into the forest.

      In Indonesia tracts of forest were burned off to make way for palm tree plantations. This killed off not just the native trees but the extensive undergrowth that once allowed those giant hardwoods to thrive. The undergrowth preserved the moisture and fertility of the soil.

      But, yes, left without man's meddling these forests can regenerate. When I was a kid I loved seeing photos of the wrecks of planes and vehicles that had been seemingly swallowed by the returning forests.


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