Old Habits Hard to Kick


We're on our third Liberal government.  Long on promises but lagging on delivery.

Despite all the grand pledges at the 2015 Paris climate summit governments are still slipping more than 5 trillion annually in subsidies to the fossil fuel giants, most of it under the table or off the books.

The G20 agreed in 2009 to phase out “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies and in 2016, the G7 set a deadline of 2025, but little progress has been made. In July, a report showed that the G20 countries had subsidised fossil fuels by trillions of dollars since 2015, the year the Paris climate deal was reached.

But maybe Canada is better than these other petro-states. We've made pledged bit cuts after all. Yet we've heard Mr. Trudeau's promises for six years but where are we? 

Canada is on pace to fall well short of its emissions goals, according to a new government-funded report that says the country’s current strategies will reduce its greenhouse gas output by only 16 per cent, relative to 2005 levels, by 2030 – a far cry from the 40-per-cent cut that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised.

40 per cent? We've been told that 50 per cent is the bare minimum needed by 2030 if we're to have a reasonable chance of averting climate catastrophe and we're not even close.

Old habits die hard.


  1. Canada is number one when it comes to promises!
    Following up the headline is another matter.

    All governments suffer to one degree or another the fact that he who blinks last profits most.
    Should any of the worlds competing economies sign off to full climate crisis and impose country wide regulation to curb fossil fuel use then their economies would perish to those that do not.
    On a global level we need to tax those imports from countries that dont adhere
    to significantly reducing emissions.
    With the USA controlling both the world bank and the IMF there is little chance of that.



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