Need a Laugh?


I got a chuckle from a Guardian article about the woes besetting the people of Rome. It comes down to garbage (uncollected), crowds (late night revellers), congestion and crime. Nothing very funny about that, is there.

The funny part came later in the story when it got down to candidates vying to become Rome's next mayor. 

For his book, Roma il coraggio di cambiare (Rome, the courage to change), the author Claudio Cipollini analysed the promises made in the election campaigns of Rome’s last five mayors, including Raggi, and compared them with what was achieved.

“I found that what they said during election campaigns didn’t correspond with that they actually did,” he said.

Cipollini also studied the programmes of the current mayoral candidates, with the findings published in a report by Monitoroma, an observatory on the elections.

“The programmes contained some beautiful ideas for Rome, but nobody said when and how they will carry out their promises let alone how much money they will need,” Cipollini said.

What's that? What they said during election campaigns didn't correspond with what they actually did? Mein Gott! Say it ain't so.


  1. It must have been a shock to all Italians, Mound.

    1. It's the modern condition, Lorne. Think of the beleaguered people of Venice beset by an armada of cruise ships and hordes of tourists until some just can't take it any more. Or, closer to home, try driving in Vancouver.


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