Head for the Hills, Head for the Hollers. That's One Solution to America's Irreparable Divide.

They're Trump people and they're staging a mini-exodus from blue to red states.

Across North America, the pandemic has caused people to rethink where they live. 

The flight from city centres to suburbs and rural communities has upended property markets across the continent as people have sought more personal space and cheaper housing.

Across the U.S., the pandemic has seen movement from liberal areas to conservative regions, a migration that follows real estate prices – Republican-leaning states tend to have cheaper housing. But it also comes at a time when Americans are, in ways not seen before, letting politics guide where they choose to reside. U.S. census estimates show states that voted for Mr. Trump in the last presidential election saw their populations grow, on average, nearly 10 times faster between April 1 and July 1 of 2020 than those that voted for Joe Biden.

In 2020, of the top 10 states with the highest percentage of people leaving, only three voted for Mr. Trump. High on the outbound list were Democratic strongholds such as New York and California.

Of the 10 states that saw the greatest percentage of inbound moves, eight voted for Trump. At the top of the list: Idaho, followed by South Carolina.

It sounds a bit like The Beverly Hillbillies only in reverse.


  1. Hopefully Mound the immigrants to the State will still vote Democrat thereby driving the existing Repugs crazy.

    1. This sort of thing, the concentration of conservative votes, already costs Tories seats in Canada. If reliably Republican votes flee blue state and swing state America it could be a similar problem for the GOP. The Repugs need those commie-hating voters to stay put. They've already got Idaho in the bag.

    2. "If reliably Republican votes flee blue state and swing state America"

      coining new term:


      Years ago all the hippies were supposed to move to Vermont and take it over.
      Few (besides Bernie?) took them seriously.

    3. When you're constantly losing the popular vote, voter management is critical.


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