"Weapons Grade Lunacy"


The scary part isn't that Trump (and his whole fam damily for that matter) is a grifter.

The scary part is that Trump cons himself. He pulls things out of his butt and says they smell like roses and he believes it.

The National Review is now confirming that Donald J. Trump, the former president of the United States (and probable Republican nominee in 2024) does indeed believe quite genuinely that he — along with former Sens. David Perdue and Martha McSally — will be “reinstated” later this summer.

But Trump's embrace of the story shows how the right’s doom loop of craziness works — and how it is accelerating narratives that began in the fevered imaginations of his hardcore true believers.

Delegitimizing our democracy is now central to Trump’s agenda and his hopes for a political comeback. And polls suggest that his lies about the election have influenced tens of millions of voters.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll from May found that a quarter of Americans — and 53 percent of Republicans — actually believe Trump is the "true president" of the United States.


  1. "The scary part is that Trump cons himself. He pulls things out of his butt and says they smell like roses and he believes it."

    I used to work for a very successful grifter and have been around a few less successful ones.

    To a man (and they were all male) one feature was their amazing ability to 'suspend disbelief' when telling whoppers. While some return more quickly to reality than others, they all believed their own BS while spouting.

    1. I chased two prominent scoundrels, successful swindlers who were charter members of the local Christian Businessmen's Association. I couldn't understand how evangelicals could swindle others. One fellow told me that he and his fellows were drawn to the evangelical churches because he/they felt it provided a vehicle for them to purge their sins every Sunday. They wanted to be square with their god, their fellow man not so much.

      Someone told me the more involved the person was with this association the more you knew that Satan held them tightly by both lapels.

      Grill a person like that under oath and you realize there's a real psychopathy at play.


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