The Empire Strikes Back

The  Catholic church is fighting back

The Roman Catholic archbishop of Toronto took aim at Justin Trudeau this morning following comments from the Prime Minister about the Catholic Church's role in Canadian residential schools.

Cardinal Thomas Collins said in an interview today he felt Trudeau's comments that the Catholic Church needed to "step up" and take responsibility for its role in residential schools were "unhelpful" and "not based on real facts."

Trudeau made the remarks on Friday, calling on Catholic officials to release records from the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia where an unmarked burial site is believed to contain the remains of 215 Indigenous children.

Collins says the remarks are unfair, noting that Pope Benedict XVI apologized in 2009 to a delegation from Canada's Assembly of First Nations for the abuse experienced by children in residential schools and called their treatment "deplorable."

C'mon your Celestial Eminence, when Pope 'Bennie the Rat' Ratzenberger apologized that was sooo 2009ish. We've got new bodies now buried in unmarked graves. Kids. First Nations kids. 2009 doesn't cut it now that the people are up in arms. Dead kids touch a nerve. So do abused kids.

Somebody has to take the shit end of the stick and, well, who better than the RC church? You've already got the 'kid diddler' reputation. Pretty much every stand up comedian has a lecherous priest bit. It's now part of the culture. Kid-abuse-priest - that's today's Holy Trinity.

Justin needs to put distance between his government and this sordid business. He wants to go to the polls before his numbers tank.

Funny thing. Our prime minister is exorcised that Pope Frances hasn't expressly apologized. Well, for that matter, neither has the prime minister. It was, after all, either a Conservative or a Liberal holding the reins of power, ultimate power, during the 120 years this abuse went on. So, if Pope Frances has to apologize for what his church did back when, our Liberal prime minister ought to be apologizing for failing those children and our country decade after decade, generation upon generation. But Slick is offering up something altogether different. He wants to apologize on behalf of Canada but not on behalf of his party.  What, are we all 'good Germans'?  Was this done with our knowledge and consent? No. 

Don't forget, the Liberals also sanctioned human experimentation on these kids in 1946.  Liberals, Conservatives, they're both up to their eyeballs in this. They held the reins of power and they failed to protect those kids, generations of children. Trying to slough that off on "Canada" is shameful. They don't hesitate to demand the Catholic church wear this. The Liberals and Conservatives also ought to be on bended knee apologizing for their acts and omissions.


  1. Just as Germans have to wear the holocaust Canada must wear the residential "schools".
    I have had some German friends of my age group in my lifetime .
    In their youth and schooling it was required that they visit the memorials of the concentration camps of the Nazi era.
    Perhaps that is what is required here in Canada.
    Be it the deserted fortresses of the residential camps or the living ghettos of many Indian ! reserves much should be learned from a visit or two.


    1. Yes, Trailblazer, and, as I recall, whereas postwar Germans had to "wear" the holocaust their state forever outlawed the Nazi Party, the political apparatus that caused it. Are you suggesting that we abolish the Conservative and Liberal parties, seize all their assets, put their leaders on trial and banish them and their membership to the political underworld?

      Your call.

  2. Apropos the immediately previous post, I'd say the dimwits in the church are giving Jr a target and public spectacle that (along with vaccine/reopening optimism) will grease the electoral skids of the Libs.

    1. Yeah, it's a master class in spin control, NPoV. "Look, squirrel!"

  3. Are you suggesting that we abolish the Conservative and Liberal parties

    Not at all and I fail to see where you read that in my comment.

    What I do suggest is that Canada as a nation own up to the facts of history.
    I also suggest that our modern day acceptance of first nations is riddled with insincere platitudes and opaque offerings of modernity.
    The cartoon of Trudeau offering sympathies to a first nations person who replies , thanks
    but we don't have clean water yet , says it all.
    Banish them ?
    No but we can hold them responsibly for present day failures by kicking them out of power.
    Better still, ridicule them..


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