Is Nothing Holy?

 If Vancouver had a High Holy day it was yesterday, April 20 or, to stoners, 420.

For many years 4/20 has been the day when members of the weed culture gathered to celebrate and indulge while the police turned a blind eye.

This year's gathering, however, was crashed by the anti-vaxxer/anti-mask brigade.

The “official” 4/20 event was cancelled this year and in 2020 because of the pandemic, but that didn’t stop people from gathering at Sunset Beach, where an informal marketplace was set up hawking cannabis and other related goods.


  1. Hitler's birthday.

    The Hate State was there before the potheads.

  2. There are more potheads around than at Art Knapp's.
    I find these demonstrations vulgar , misinformed and predominantly selfish.
    We live in a world of individual rights! and to hell with responsibility.
    Sorry to repeat but Covid has exposed the dark side of humanity.


    1. One thing that has become apparent is that the dark side has many facets

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    Thank you all for reading,
    God bless"


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