For Those Keeping Score


On Saturday, Britain logged 600,000 Covid-19 vaccinations. 600,000 - one day. Just Saturday.

Since vaccines first became available about six weeks ago, Canada has administered 954,000 doses. That's all in. 

Now the UK is more populous at 66 million compared to Canada's 37 million.  Britain is also handicapped by its woefully incompetent prime minister, Boris "BoJo" Johnson and the Brexit chaos that reportedly plagues the kingdom.

The National Health Service says it expects to see the effects of these vaccinations starting in about two weeks.

Closer to home, the US recorded 1.5 million vaccinations on Saturday, its third consecutive 1.5 million day. 

Most Canadians should get their first shots in mid- to late summer. Well done, us.


  1. "For Those Keeping Score"

    Alas, a metaphor lacking both insight and empathy.

    1. and the winner is ....

      "India has been honing the vaccination process flow for the last two weeks.

      Daily vaccination rate to escalate 50x, from an average of 200,000 per day to ~10 million per day (not a typo). That’s a scale unheard of anywhere in the world."


    2. Yes, India is exporting vaccine now. Canada could too if we had any capacity to produce these critical pharmaceuticals. Now with the Novovax product out of Maryland, our orders must stand at least 10, probably 11 vaccine doses for everyone in Canada.

      Empathy? What does this have to do with empathy? For whom? For Canadians who are going unprotected for several extra months while this virus continues to mutate? I'm angry for them. I'm angry for all those we have allowed to perish in nursing homes during the second wave despite what we learned and ought to have dealt with after the carnage of the first wave.

      India pulled its thumb out because it realized how destructive this virus can be to its congested, impoverished communities.

      A year later we're still dependent on foreign suppliers for PPE gear for frontline healthcare workers.

      I have plenty of empathy for those who deserve it and none for those who don't. Unlike you, I know the difference.

    3. Here is a nuanced, insightful & empathetic take.

  2. India has dealt with mass immunization projects in the past. In my lifetime Canada has been a model of complacency about just about everything I can think of (besides getting snowflakes off the streets in Toronto before they melt).

  3. Our current lack of capacity to make vaccine is a bipartisan failure that goes back to Mulrooney.

    What do India, the USA and UK have in common?
    They all manufacture the vaccine. Duh.


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